Identity 1990-94
B.B.C Billboard Art Project
These works are more about myself, my family, my past, my memories, the places I’ve seen and about being a second-generation Sikh. They relate directly to my cultural identity; from Arrival, which considers when my parents first moved to Glasgow; Glasshouses which addresses hidden Sikh communities to Red Earth, which is about trade, power and control.
Red Earth
The House
Self Portrait
Invisible Confrontations
Watching, Unseen, Unheard
These works are more about myself, my family, my past, my memories, the places I’ve seen and about being a second-generation Sikh. These works relate directly to my cultural identity; from Arrival, which considers when my parents first moved to Glasgow; ‘Glasshouses’ which addresses hidden Sikh communities to Red Earth, which is about trade, power and control.